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Dr. med. Peter Buntrock




    Monday and Tuesday 8-12am, 3-7pm

    Wednesday 8-12am

    Thursday 8-12am, 4-6pm

    Friday 8am-2pm


    It is preferable to make appointments in advance per telephone (0561)22600


    Practice: Frankfurter Strasse 65, 34121 Kassel, Germany

    Telephone: (0561) 22600

    Fax: (0561) 2888151 E-Mail: Dr.Buntrock-Kassel@t-online.de

    It is always the case, that when my office is closed, that you can make an appointment with all of the members of the Quality Circle Southcity:
    Dr. Nick Albus, Tel.:0561/43422
    Frankfurterstr. 245a  34134 Kassel,

    Dr. Peter Fleischmann, Tel.: 0561/43652, 
    An der Kurhessenhalle 30  34134 Kassel,

    Dr. Jae-Sun Kim  Tel.: 0561/41177 
    Falkenstein Str. 76  34134 Kassel,

    Dr. Felix Haberauer Tel.: 0561/42019 
    Frankfurter Str. 309  34134 Kassel,

    Jean Pierre Schmidt  Tel.: 0561/472244 
    Leuschnerstr. 52  34134 Kassel,

    Praxis am Rhönplatz Tel.: 0561/401518 
    Thomas Knüttel  Dr. Ulrike Tscherner 
    Rhönplatz 2  34134 Kassel


    On June 28,2024
    the practice is closed.

    Outside the office hours
    for emergency cases the Ärztliche Bereitschaftsdienst will be open.
    Wilhelmshoeher Allee 67 Tel. 116117

    Mobile phone for emergency cases Dr. Buntrock 01729078388




















    If you are handicapped or in a wheelchair, there is an elevator in our building, as well as parking directly behind the building. Please call us for a reservation for the parking.



    If your medical problem/complaint is urgent and severe, we do make immediate house visits, but please be warned that because of the limited examination conditions in your home, this could lead to an earlier hospitalization than if the examination were to take place in our surgery practic. We would therefore advise the patients to seek the help of a friend, relative or by taxi to bring you to the practice.



    On weekends, public holidays and after office hours, please contact the Emergency Ward
    at Wilhelmshöhe Allee 67 (Phone:19292) or my Mobile Telephone (0172) 9078388

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